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作品:Falling Up 作者:谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    An oak tree and a rosebush grew,

    Young and green together,

    talking talk of grohings-

    ind and er and her.

    And wly bloomed

    tree grew so high

    t no spoke of nehings-

    Eagles, mountain peaks and sky.

    quot;I guess you tty great,quot;

    to cry,

    Screaming as loud as it possibly could

    to treetop in the sky.

    quot;And noalk,

    No youve groall.quot;

    quot;Its not so muc Ive gro; said tree,

    quot;Its just t youve stayed so small.quot;

    tell me who can


    Lou can.

    Just how few can

    Ride toucan?

    two can.

    kind of goo can

    Stick you to toucan?

    Glue can.

    e some

    More about toucan?

    You can!

    Birds are flyin souter.


    ings a-flappin, beak a-cterin,

    Cold h.

    ;Its not t I like ice

    Or freezin winds and snowy ground.

    Its just sometimes its kind of nice

    to be to;

    All the oulda-Coulda-Shouldas

    Layin in the sun,

    talkin bout things

    they woulda coulda shoulda done...

    But those oulda-Coulda-Shouldas

    All ran away and hid

    From one little Did.


    I made myself a snowball

    As perfect as could be.

    I t Id keep it as a pet

    And let it sleep h me.


    I made it some pajamas

    And a pillos head.

    t nig ran away,

    But first- it  the bed


    Listen to tNtS, child,

    Listen to tS

    Listen to tS


    Listen to the NEVER hAVES

    ten close to me-


    Somebody o go polisars,

    ttle bit dull.

    Somebody o go polisars,

    For tarlings and gulls

    arnished and worn,

    t ne afford.

    So please get your rags

    And your polishing jars,

    Somebody o go polisars.

    Anything can happen, child.

    ANYthING can be.