作品:THE SUBTLE KNIFE 作者:菲利普·普尔曼 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    ed a once, but tenacious. And ill  oo, o fig till he fell.

    So ed and kicked and ted again, but t  let go; and since it  at tried , but   reaco fig a grown man.

    eeto t all t  ted and some didnt, and all time ing, sill t.

    Dimly ing and ts and   , and top of  never for a moment did t grip slacken, and ill, rolling around violently on tony ground, felt a ig: t ill be .

    But ill terly as ugged and beat at t, and iced t till, till gripped as tigting ill batter at , t of rengt , every nerve in hrobbing.

    ill  a blur of  e breast and  bird, an osprey, a daemon, and it ill. ill tried to pull a loosened.

    But  ood on end.

    t;Give me your ot;

    quot;Be careful,quot; said ill.

    t do arm, and ips moved gently over t and on to tmost delicacy on to tumps of ills t fingers.

    go at once, and  up.

    quot;Youve got t; ;Youre t;

    ,  breat . ?

    ill ill lying on tones, utterly spent. All   see er a fes a marvelous sooto umps of o his skin.

    quot; are you doing?quot; ill said.

    quot;Curing your ill.”


    quot;Im t t. Dont move.quot;

    ting more wo of rain splaso ills face.

    rembling violently, but

    over tumps and rip of linen tighe hand.

    And as soon as till bemused by tried to sit up and look at  it  for ouc, ing like a bird against the bars of a cage.

    quot;Yes,quot; try and cure t, go on.quot;

    quot;Are you ill?quot;

    quot;Ill be better soon. You ;


    quot;And you kno?quot;

    quot;Yes, yes. But are you from t it?quot;

    quot;Listen,quot; said tting up ruggle. quot;Dont interrupt. If youre task ts greater t it  must be.... test  ime t side must y and deceit for all tory. Its time arted again, but properly time....quot;

    opped to take in several rattling breaths.

    quot;t;  on after a minute. quot;t ted a device t could split open t particles of matter, and t to steal candy. t t could defeat tyrant. ty. God. t  no;

    quot;I didnt  it! I dont  it no; ill cried. quot;If you  it, you can ! I e it, and I e  does—quot;

    too late. You  any cs picked you out. And,  it; and if you dont use it against tear it from your  against t of us, forever and ever.quot;

    quot;But ing too muc go on fig to—quot;


    ill . t;Yes, I suppose.quot;

    quot;You foug;

    quot;Yes, but—-quot;

    quot;ts  dont argue ure.quot;

    ill kne trut it  a rut , because  ill bow his head before he spoke again.

    t po; t;and ting since time began. Every advance in orn by one side from teettle increase in  over ferociously bet us to knoronger, and t us to obey and be .

    quot;And notle. And eacs t knife of yours more to co tell you about it.quot;

    quot;No! Youre ; cried ill. quot;I  looking for anyt! ts not  all!quot;

    quot;You mig t ts ; said the darkness.

    quot;But  I do?quot;

    And tanislaus Grumman, Jopari, Joated.

    o Lee Scoresby, and ated before ; but break it he did.

    quot;You must go to Lord Asriel,quot; ;and tell  Stanislaus Grumman sent you, and mat you  or not, boy, you o do. Ignore everytter ant it seems, and go and do to guide you; t is full of angels. Your  to look at you properly.quot;

    for took somet, unfolding layers of oilskin and triking a matco ligde tin lantern. In its lig eacher.

    ill sahers.

    t, orn linen s and ed and savage and  aligy, raighers....

    And t t flicker of someto bothem.

    But in t same moment, as tern lig dourbid sky, and . t.

    ill could only sit stupefied.

    A flicker crossed t ed up at once, and ced, panicking.

    quot;No! No!quot; cried tca Kamainen, and fell doer c , craso truggling up again.

    But ill , and tle knife  .

    quot;?quot; ed. quot;;

    quot;Because I loved c forgive!quot;

    And because sc  s in a  tering despair.

    quot;You dont know w; ;;

    S;No. No! t cant be true. Impossible!quot;

    quot;You to be possible? to be true!  till tc all my life and come all t last, and you kill ;

    And  tunning onis  greater t in supplication. he knocked her hand away.

    quot; did  you needed to kill nun?quot; ell me t, if you can!quot;

    And s t ill and shook her head sadly.

    quot;No, I cant explain,quot; s;Youre too young. It  make sense to you. I loved s all. ts enoug;

    And before ill could stop ly side taken from  and pusween her ribs.

    ill felt no ion and bafflement.

    ood up slo tc  ed like a lovers.

    quot;I dont understand,quot; ;Its too strange.quot;

    ill turned back to ther.

    A tled at , and only tness hi his eyes.

    ttle lantern still flickered and flared as t tting s lig and put ouc, closing  gray o th, squeezing his hands.

    quot;Fat; ;Dad, Daddy ... Fat understand s too strange for me. But ed me to do, I promise, I s. Ill figake it to Lord Asriel,  enemy. Ill do it. You can rest nos all rig;

    Beside tern and ttle ment. ill picked ticed rimmed cloak trailing be  t and she cloak around himself.

    tern and looked back at tcurning to go doain.

    tormy air ric earing of too: confused ecing, tal on metal, pounding s t one moment sounded so close t actually be inside  so far a . t  er.

    And as urned do little gully before t Lyra sleeping, opped suddenly. anding ting. ill put he knife.

    the figures spoke.

    quot;Youre t; range quality of ts.

    a human being.

    quot;; ill said. quot;Are you men, or—quot;

    quot;Not men, no. e are atc;

    ill . t on: quot;Otions, and otask is simple: e need you. e o you, and so o guide you in turn to Lord Asriel.quot;

    quot;You ime?quot;

    quot;Every moment.quot;

    quot;Did ;


    quot; you stop tc ;

    quot;e ;

    ill said not to understand thing else.

    quot;All rig; ;Ill come  first I must ;

    tood aside to let  a tingle in t close to t  and concentrated on getting dootle ser where Lyra was sleeping.

    But sometop.

    In tcting or standing still.

    tatues, except t t too, and as o anot must tacked in midair by ters, and o tly.

    But— quot;; he cried aloud.

    ty. Lyra was gone.

    t tle canvas rucksack, and from t of it  looking t ter ill inside it.

    ill  be true, but it ured, Lyra .

    t moved. But t;You must come  once. te. told you ask is. Follow us and ;

    And ill looked from to Lyras rucksack and back again, and  hey said.