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作品:The English Patient 作者:迈克尔·翁达杰 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    ers —exist, and  is important to stress t tory is a fiction and t traits of ters ional, as are some of ts and journeys.

    I o ty, London, for alloo read arcerial and to glean from ten beautifully recorded by ters. I ed a passage from icle “to Darfur” (), describing sandstorms, and I o evoke t of the

    I o acknoion drawn from Dr.

    Ricorical Problems of t” () and R. A. Bagnold’s revie.

    Many books ant to me in my researcley ing truction of bombs and in describing tiss at tart of orld ar II. I ed directly from alicized lines in tu” section) and ual tec ley records. Information found in tient’s notebook on ture of certain son’s es appearing in quotation marks. tion from tory in us’s ories is from translation by G. C. Mc-Cauley (Macmillan). Otations from us use translation (University of Calics on page  is by Cop; talics on page  are from Joon s Paradise Lost; to acknoant books ones of Florence; Leonard Mosley’s t and taly -? and Canada’s Nursing Sisters; ts-Broial India; and tary: tiger Strikes and tiger Kills, publisorate of Public Relations, New Delhi, India, and A Roll of honor.

    to tment at Glendon College, York University, tion, and tropolitan toronto Reference Library.

    I o t me read ters ten from Egypt during ter Margaret at t tional Library of Canada, Ottawa; Anna Jardine; Rodney Dennys; Linda Spalding; Ellen Levine. And Lally Marwah, Douglas LePan, David Young and Donya Peroff.

    Finally a special to Ellen Seligman, Liz Calder and Sonny Mehta.