作品:Paradise Lost Ⅵ 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    Yet rengt not fort checkd

    Not to destroy, but root t of heavn: [ 855 ]

    thrown he raisd, and as a heard

    Of Goats or timerous flock togethrongd

    Drove truck, pursud

    iterrors and o the bounds

    And Cal wall of heavn, which opning wide, [ 860 ]

    Rowld inward, and a spacious Gap disclosd

    Into tful Deep; trous sight

    Strook t far worse

    Urgd threw

    Doernal h [ 865 ]

    Burnt after to ttomless pit.

    h unsufferable noise, hell saw

    heavn ruining from heavn and would have fled

    Affrig strict Fate  too deep

    ions, and too fast had bound. [ 870 ]

    Nine dayes they fell; confounded Chaos roard,

    And felt tenfold confusion in thir fall


    Incumberd  last

    Yahem closd, [ 875 ]

    ation fraugh fire

    Unquenche house of woe and paine.

    Disburdnd heavn rejoicd, and soon repaird

    urning w rowld.

    Sole Victor from th expulsion of his Foes [ 880 ]

    Messiariump turnd:

    to meet s, ood

    Eye nesses of ie Acts,


    S, [ 885 ]

    Sung triumporious King,

    Son, o him Dominion givn,

    ort to Reign: ed rode

    triump to ts

    And temple of ie Fathrond [ 890 ]

    On o Glorie him receavd,

    s at t hand of bliss.


    At t, and t t beware

    By , to thee I have reveald [ 895 ]

    migo human Race bin hid;

    the discord which befel, and arr in heavn

    Among the deep fall

    Of too high aspiring, who rebelld

    itan, ate, [ 900 ]

    ting how he may seduce

    t h him

    Bereavd of  partake

    , Eternal miserie;

    hich would be all his solace and revenge, [ 905 ]

    As a despite don against t high,

    to gaine Companion of his woe.

    But listn not to emptations, warne

    t it profit to have heard

    By terrible Example the reward [ 910 ]

    Of disobedience; firm t ood,

    Yet fell; remember, and fear to transgress.