作品:Paradise Lost Ⅶ 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    y King, or bound


    Of Spirits apostat and thir Counsels vaine [ 610 ]

    t repeld, w

    to diminishdraw

    thy worshippers. ho seekes

    to lessen t his purpose serves

    to manifest t: his evil [ 615 ]

    t, and from tst more good.

    itness ther heavn

    From e not farr, founded in view

    On the Glassie Sea;

    Of amplitude almost immense, arrs [ 620 ]

    Numerous, and every Starr perhaps a orld

    Of destind ation; but t

    t of men,

    Earther Ocean circumfusd,

    t dhrice happie men, [ 625 ]

    And sons of men, w,

    Created in o dwell

    And worso rule

    Over h, in Sea, or Air,

    And multiply a Race of orshippers [ 630 ]

    : they know


    So sung the Empyrean rung,


    And t t askd [ 635 ]

    things began,

    And hy memorie was don

    From t posteritie

    Informd by t kno

    Aug surpassing human measure, say. [ 640 ]