作品:Paradise Lost Ⅻ 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    Let us descend noop

    Of Speculation; for the hour precise

    Exacts our parting he Guards, [ 590 ]

    By mee encampt on yonder

    tion, at w a flaming Sword,

    In signal of remove, waves fiercely round;

    e may no longer stay: go, waken Eve;

    le Dreams have calmd [ 595 ]

    Portending good, and all s composd

    to meek submission: t season fit

    Let ake  heard,

    C may concern o know,

    t deliverance by o come [ 600 ]

    (For by the omans Seed) on all Mankind.

    t ye may live, which will be many dayes,

    Bothough sad,

    it, yet much more cheerd

    itation on the happie end. [ 605 ]

    he hill;

    Descended, Adam to the Bowre where Eve

    Lay sleeping ran before, but found ;

    And t sad she him receavd.

    urnst, and , I know; [ 610 ]

    For God is also in sleep, and Dreams advise,

    propitious, some great good

    Presaging, since s distress

    earied I fell asleep: but now lead on;

    In mee is no delay; o goe, [ 615 ]

    Is to stay  to stay,

    Is to go o mee

    Art all thou,

    banisht hence.

    tion yet secure [ 620 ]

    I carry ,


    By mee tore.

    So spake our Mother Eve, and Adam heard

    ell pleasd, but ans; for nooo nigh [ 625 ]

    tood, and from ther hill

    to t Station, all in bright array

    the ground

    Gliding meteorous, as Evning Mist

    Risn from a River ore the marish glides, [ 630 ]

    And gat at the Labourers heel

    urning.  advanct,

    t Shem blazd

    Fierce as a Comet; worrid ,

    And vapour as t, [ 635 ]

    Began to parc temperate Clime; w

    In eitning Angel caught

    Our lingring Parents, and to tern Gate

    Led t, and do

    to ted Plaine; then disappeerd. [ 640 ]

    tern side beheld

    Of Paradise, so late t,

    avd over by t flaming Brand, te

    ithrongd and fierie Armes:

    Som natural tears t hem soon; [ 645 ]

    to choose

    t, and Providence thir guide:

    teps and slow,

    took tarie way.