作品:Paradise Lost Ⅻ 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    ion joyns

    ito tyrannize,

    Marco, shall finde [ 40 ]

    tuminous gurge

    Boiles out from under ground, th of hell;

    Of Brick, and of t stuff t to build

    A Citie and towre, wop may reaco heavn;

    And get t far disperst [ 45 ]

    In foraign Lands t,

    Regardless wher good or evil fame.

    But God o visit men

    Unseen, and tations walks

    to mark them beholding soon, [ 50 ]

    Comes doo see tie, ere tower

    Obstruct os

    Upon tongues a various Spirit to rase

    Quite out tive Language, and instead

    to sow a jangling noise of words unknown: [ 55 ]

    Forth a hideous gabble rises loud

    Among to other calls

    Not understood, till hoarse, and all in rage,

    As mockt torm; great laughter was in heavn

    And looking doo see trange [ 60 ]


    Ridiculous, and the work Confusion namd.

    o therly displeasd.

    O execrable Son so to aspire

    Above o himself assuming [ 65 ]

    Autie usurpt, from God not givn:

    , Fish, Fowl

    Dominion absolute; t right we hold

    By ion; but Man over men

    Lord; sucitle to himself [ 70 ]

    Reserving,  from human free.

    But t proud

    Stayes not on Man; to God oends

    Siege and defiance: retc food

    ill o sustain [ 75 ]

    hin Aire

    Above trails gross,

    And famis of Bread?